Tuesday, July 2, 2013

For American Christians

Jesus died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. (2 Corinthians 5:15)

Let’s start with this understanding—you and I live in a nation through which the Lord has given us breathtaking blessings. A simple walk through your local supermarket would make most people in this world speechless with amazement. After the election of every new president, the most powerful military in the world takes orders from its new Commander in Chief, an orderly transition of authority that many other nations find impossible to comprehend. And when you and I gather around God’s Word, we don’t worry about gangs of men rushing in with machetes to slaughter us because we’re Christians—a very real fear in other parts of the globe.

But for all these blessings in our wonderful land, there’s also a toxin that’s oozing its way throughout our society. It’s an attitude that simply says, “Life is about me.”

You are not immune to this attitude. I’m not, either. After all, like most other Americans, I’ve watched thousands of hours of television over the years. Many of those hours included commercials telling me that life is about getting something new for myself, about making my life more convenient, about using my credit card to get what I want right now, about improving the way I look, upgrading what I drive. This lifelong stream of me centered messages can easily make the case that “Life is about me.”

But life isn’t about me. And thank God that it is not.

Jesus came. He rescued us from the vacuum of a self-absorbed life. He lived a selfless life on our behalf. Then he died on the cross for every self-centered action, every self-centered thought. Through faith in Him, all is forgiven. All things are new.
Freedom from sin through Jesus

This means everything. It means you don’t have to go back to the bottomless pit of a me-centered life. You don’t have to go back to the loneliness, the fear, the quiet desperation, the shame and guilt. Now you have Jesus. Now you have the One who can truly fill the emptiness in your life. Now through the power of the Holy Spirit you can live for him who died for you and was raised again.

During this month when you pause to thank God for this great nation, may you pause to remember your Savior who has given you real freedom. On July 4th celebrate your independence as an American citizen. But on each day celebrate your dependence on your loving Savior as an American Christian.

Pastor Dennis Himm
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Grand Blanc, Mi.

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